
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Immunizations and Newborns

It can be hard to decide whether or not you want your baby to get immunizations. I know a few years ago parents were not immunizing their babies because of a research that showed a correlation between autism and immunizations. This research was skewed to show the desired results of the researcher. “There is no evidence that currently recommended vaccines overload or weaken the infant immune system. Infants have an enormous capacity to respond safely and effectively to multiple vaccines” (Gregson & Edelman, 2003). Immunizations are recommended for infants because diseases are far more serious or common among infants.  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, of the infants under six months of age who get whooping cough, 72% must be hospitalized and about 84% of all deaths from Pertussis are among children younger than 6 months of age (2007).  Not vaccinating your baby can put your baby at risk. Immunizations are safe and effective.
Recommended Immunizations for Babies
At Birth:
·         Hep B
2 Months:
·         HepB
·         DTaP
·         PCV
·         Hib
·         Polio
·         RV
4 Months:
·         DTaP
·         PCV
·         Hib
·         Polio
·         Rv
6 Months:
·         HepB (6-18 months)
·         DTaP
·         PCV
·         Hib
·         Polio (6-18 months)
·         RV
12 Months:
·         MMR (12-15 months)
·         PCV (12-15 months)
·         Hib (12-15 months)
·         Varicella (12-15 months)
·         HepA (12-23 months)
Vaccine Descriptions
I know all of this information can be overwhelming so below a short and simple vaccine description is included.  
HepB: protects against hepatitis B
DTaP: a combined vaccine that protects against diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (whooping cough)
Hib: Protects against Haemophilus influenza type b
PCV: protects against pneumococcal disease
Polio: protects against polio, the vaccine is also known as IPV
RV: protects against infections caused by rotavirus
Influenza: protects against influenza (flu)
MMR: protects against measles, mumps, and rubella (German measles)
Varicella: protects against varicella, also known as chickenpox
HepA: protects against hepatitis A
I decided that for my children keeping them up-to-date on vaccinations was essential. I know that not everyone will feel this way and that is okay. I hope you found this basic information helpful. If you have any further questions about immunizations and your baby contact your baby’s pediatrician.
Gregson, A., & Edelman, R. (2003). Does antigenic overload exist? the role of multiple immunizations in infants. Immunology and Allergy Clinics of North America, 23(4), 649-664.
Vaccines: Spec-grps/infants/infant immunizations. (2007). Retrieved from


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